By Klarna
There are many different types of champagne glasses, you have your classic champagne flutes, tulips and coupe glasses, which have become more popular as of late. If you want to break with tradition there are also some fun modern designs. Did you know that many champagne glasses have a so called effervescent point which creates a pillar of bubbles in your glass?
A champagne cooler is an uncomplicated and inexpensive way to make any sparkling drink feel more luxurious. Fill it with ice, put your bottles in the bucket and you're good to go. Not only does a champagne cooler make your table setting look more festive it can also hold any drink (not just champagne) making it cool and ready to enjoy.
Sabrage is when you open a champagne bottle using a saber, by cutting the neck of the bottle at an angle. Apparently the trick is to not use too much force, but be careful as it can be dangerous if you're not sure how to do it, best is to find someone experienced that are willing to show off their skills. It makes for quite a show and something everyone is sure to remember.