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There are a few things to keep in mind when buying a sleeping bag:
The price of a sleeping bag can vary from anything under £50 and up to a couple of hundred pounds. The price will increase if you have special requirements or want to use the sleeping bag when it’s colder outside. On the other hand, if you’re just looking for a sleeping bag for summer nights in the car or a tent, you can find options for under £50. Your needs are what controls the price.
When you are out on a hike or the like, the sleeping bag is often stored in a compression bag. Compression bags compress the sleeping bag to minimise the space it would normally take up in the bag. This will make the sleeping bag take up less space in your backpack; space that you can use for other items. When you store your sleeping bag at home, you should store it in a cloth bag, as sleeping bags should not be stored in compression bags too long, because you risk that the filling in the sleeping bag separates over time. This can lead to air pockets that let in cold air when you use it.
The length of the sleeping bag is very important for comfort. Most sleeping bags come in various lengths, so that you can find the length that suits you. It will always be better to buy a sleeping bag that is a little too long than a little too short, as you’ll not be able to stretch your body out in a short sleeping bag, and this may have a negative effect on your sleep.
How warm a sleeping bag you should buy depends on what season you’re going to use it in. Different types of sleeping bags can handle different maximum and minimum temperatures. One thing to keep in mind is that the level of tolerance for cold and heat varies from person to person, depending on both physiological and psychological factors. Only you can decide how cool the temperature should be when you sleep; a good sleeping bag will give you sufficient temperature on warm days and cold days.
How often you wash your sleeping bag depends entirely on how much you use it. If you need to wash your sleeping bag, you should do so at a low temperature and without rinse aid, preferably with a detergent that is suitable or made for sleeping bag material. You can also buy a special sheet that’s made for sleeping bags. These are easy to put on and off and wash, and you’ll not have to wash the sleeping bag as often.
Your choice of sleeping bag should depend on factors such as when you intend to use it.
Summer – A sleeping bag for the summer, often called a single-season sleeping bag, will be the cheapest option, as you can save on heat-retaining functions. If you're only going to camp in the summer, you can therefore prioritise other functions such as light weight and compressibility.
Spring, summer, autumn – A three-season sleeping bag has more insulation than a summer sleeping bag, designed to keep you warm even if the temperature drops to zero.
Winter – A winter sleeping bag, or four-season sleeping bag, will cost you a little more and be heavier, but you will get a sleeping bag that insulates and keeps you warm even in sub-zero temperatures. You don't want to sacrifice quality here, as it’s especially important to stay warm at night when you’re camping in the winter. If a sleeping bag rips, it loses its functionality. Winter sleeping bags also have poorer compressibility, which is why it can be worth investing in a good cover that compresses it effectively.
Sleeping bags are either filled with down or synthetic materials. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, down retains heat better, while synthetic material is cheaper and retains heat even when the sleeping bag is wet. As a rule of thumb, go for synthetics for summer and down for winter, but it's important that you check the properties of the different materials before you make your choice.
When it comes to sleeping bags, it's particularly important that they are adapted to your body. This is because warmth and comfort depend on how the sleeping bag is in contact with your body. An important factor here may be if you're male or female, many sleeping bags even have different comfort ratings depending on gender.
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