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Looking for the right eReader? PriceRunner is here to help you find the best one for your needs. With our extensive selection, you can easily compare prices and features of eReaders from many brands and retailers. Use our category filters to narrow down your choices based on screen size, battery life, storage capacity, or price range. You can even compare different models side-by-side to see which eReader suits you best. Our user reviews provide valuable insights to guide your decision, ensuring you make the right choice without any hassle. We focus on transparency and reliability, so you can trust the information you find here. Ready to discover your next eReader? Begin here and find the perfect match that fits your reading habits and budget.

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EReaders Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2024) 16GB

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2024) 16GB




E-book readers work by using what is called "e-ink technology". It works in such a way that there are a lot of microcapsules. These microcapsules are composed of positively charged white particles and negatively charged black particles. By adding positive or negatively charged current, it causes the particles to come to the surface, and this is how an e-book reader "creates" text.

The nice thing about it is that the particles reflect light instead of emitting it, so you can look at the screen for a longer time and in a wide variety of light, without it becoming uncomfortable for your eyes. At the same time, it also means that you can read on the screen in direct sunlight, which can usually be quite tricky on, for example, a phone or tablet. The answer here simplifies the process a lot, because we could easily write four or five pages about the technology. If you would like to know more, we can recommend this article.

There are vast differences between all the various e-book readers, and the one you should choose depends largely on what types of access you would like. For example, if you are considering an Amazon Kindle, remember that you are locked into Amazon’s service if you want e-books.

Yes! The public libraries have a large selection of e-books that you can borrow. Please note, however, that you need an e-book reader that can run EPUB files and Adobe's DRM program.

Most e-book readers on the market support both but do consider that Amazon's Kindle does not, as Amazon runs their own system.

Three tips for buying a reading tablet

Decide right away what you want to do with your reading tablet, because it’s often difficult to change later.

  • Buy. If you mostly read in English, the manufacturer’s own bookshop is enough, and Amazon is quite hard to beat in most titles. However, if you buy from Swedish book stores, the tablet must support Adobe DRM, just like…
  • Borrow. The library is a great source of books. It is free, but requires a little work, and the tablet must support Adobe DRM. But beside that, the library and free sites such as Project Gutenberg are invaluable to your reading.
  • Stream. Storytel is quite alone here in Sweden, but is a flexible option if you read a lot. However, be aware that the tablet is cross-locked to their service and, in practise, is worthless without a subscription with them.