Looking for the right motherboard? PriceRunner helps you find the best one to match your needs. Our extensive listing covers millions of products from thousands of brands and retailers. Use our category filters to narrow down your choices based on your preferencesโwhether it's form factor, socket type, or price range. Compare different models side-by-side to see which motherboard suits you best. We make it easy to navigate the vast world of motherboards, ensuring you make the right decision without any hassle. With our user reviews, you gain insights from real experiences to guide your choice. Save time and money by finding great deals and offers. Ready to upgrade or build your computer with the right motherboard? Begin here and discover the ideal match for your setup!
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A motherboard is a component that links all the other components of the computer together. You could say that the motherboard acts as a central, as all connections go to or through the motherboard in one way or another. For example, you can find all ports here, such as USB sockets, HDMI jacks, headphone jacks, and more.
Sometimes it may be necessary to find out which motherboard is in the computer. But for those who have never done it before, it can be a daunting task or is not that easy to know how to do this. To help, weโve listed three different ways below to easily get an answer to the question.
There are many different motherboards, and it is important that you choose one that works together with the hardware. You'll find motherboards in the price range from around 20 to well over a 1000 punds - depending on how advanced you want it to be. You always have to ask yourself what you are looking for and what your needs are.