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Diagnostic Scales

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Diagnostic Scales Garmin Index S2
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Garmin Index S2


Diagnostic Scale, BMI, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Body Water, White, Black, Glass



Diagnostic scales indicate more than just your weight. There are many different models, but most of them will measure your body fat percentage and show your BMI. This is what says the most about your general health, as it takes muscle mass, water levels, and bone density into account.

Diagnostic scales use a method called bioimpedance, a concept that is based on a small electric current being sent through your body. Depending on how much resistance the current meets, the diagnostic scale calculates what it encounters (water, bones, muscles, or fat). The current is very weak, and you will not feel anything.

The answer is yes and no. There is some reason to be sceptical about the result, and the information should be considered a rough estimate. Factors such as dehydration and exercise can be decisive, so be aware of what you have done just before stepping onto a set of diagnostic scales.
